I'm Harish S
Exploring the endless possibilities
of technology and innovation
About Me
Passionate Technophile

I am a passionate and enthusiastic individual currently pursuing an MCA at SRM University. My journey in the tech world encompasses various interests, including web development, software engineering, and cloud computing. I am committed to expanding my knowledge and honing my skills in these areas, constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities for growth.

My Interests
Interests Reflect Our Knowledge

Having worked on full-stack projects, I have a basic understanding of how full-stack development works. This experience has inspired me to explore new and trending fields such as Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Deep Learning, alongside Full Stack Development.

In addition to these fields, my foundation in Full Stack Development allows me to build comprehensive applications, from the front-end to the back-end, ensuring a seamless user experience and robust functionality. My goal is to integrate my knowledge across these domains to develop innovative solutions and contribute to the advancement of technology.

Full Stack
Cloud Computing
Data Science
Deep Learning
My Projects
Random Generator Web Application

This web application is a full-stack project built using HTML, CSS, Python Flask, JavaScript, AWS S3, MongoDB, and Firebase Authentication. It offers a fun and engaging experience by providing users with random numbers within a specified range, random tech fun facts accompanied by relevant images, and tech memes stored in the cloud database.

Contact Me

I am happy to engage and discuss technology with others who share similar interests. I look forward to learning from you all. Feel free to connect with me on

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